Today I am exhibiting some gratitude, not because I want to be positive, but because I have experienced gratefulness today.
Grateful for
For my puppy, who made the most creative poo today and it made me laugh and laugh
For my supportive partner - he makes a level 3 sports bra look weak
For completing some of my cool tasks today
The luxury of sleep, and sleeping when I want
Supportive strangers! Thank you y'all [I LOVE THAT SOUTHERN Y'ALL]
More about that vision board:
I have NEVER made a vision board before, every time I was told to, I had some serious reluctance towards it. Now however, I have goals that I am actually excited about, that I want to see. I want to be reminded of them, to have a glimpse of what could be a % if not all of my future.
The cool thing about this board, is that it is 15.5cm x10 cm [Inches 4 x12], and folds into a little booklet. I wanted a smaller vision board to maintain my privacy from visitors [lol, haven't had a visitor since last November?], to not take up wall space I don't have, and also to carry around with my BuJo.
Since we're all peeps here, I feel comfortable showing you it, I just blurred some of the more questionable things I put in there ;)
You can click on the pics to expand, it if you'd like. It is my board, and then my board folded into a booklet, with a very ugly cover I made
I wonder if this board will help keep my goals top of mind. My experience with it so far today?
- Eating cake for breakfast while staring at those pictures of fruit, but feeling ok, coz that choice was not a moral one
- Making sure I finished my snail clay thing so I can move on to the next project. Snail in Afrikaans is Slak
I love my snail, please love it too - haha it's terrible, I love it, but I would not be ok near it if it were real.
Do you use a vision board? Is it useful?
Tamka Out
PS: Thank you for all you lovely souls who have witnessed me and reached out. All your love and good energy back 100 fold.
I have tried vision boarding, but not in a few years. Partly because I don't want to have it just hanging out there for all to see. I love your idea of a smaller foldable one. I might give this a try. Especially with today being the full moon. Though, I don't know if I can find all my clipped stash of things.
That snail! It's fascinating, yet creepy at the same time. I love snails, but if I came across one that looked like that I'd take a picture and then run away LOL.
i am sipping a smoothie to this vision board.I have not made one for a while..i have a habit o making one when i have a new goal or vision..
love this.i wanna attend your art retreat for health. what ever it may be..i am all in
Your vision board looks fun and powerful. Very interactive. I can imagine that you feel like you 'enter' it each time you look at it. Your snail is definitely different! Those teeth! I agree that I don't think I'd like to be around it if it was real. (and I'm kinda hoping it doesn't pop up in my dreams tonight! Lol) Love your imagination!
I haven't got into the vision boards myself, but hoping you gain from it. TBH your snail kinda freaked me a bit, lol, that tongue and teeth....xoxo